metatype __gc inconsistency

  • From: Tomash Brechko <tomash.brechko@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: luajit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 19:17:40 +0400


Consider the following code:

  ffi = require("ffi")
  ffi.cdef[[ struct S {}; struct S *malloc(size_t size); ]]
  ffi.metatype("struct S", {
     __len = function() return 5 end,
     __gc = function() print("GC") end
  s1 ="struct S")
  s2 = ffi.C.malloc(1)
  print(#s1) -- Outputs "5" - good
  print(#s2) -- Outputs "5" - good

Now we do the following:

  s1 = nil
  collectgarbage() -- Outputs "GC" - good
  s2 = nil
  collectgarbage() --  Output nothing - why?

Not claming that it's a bug, my guess this is intentional and one has to do
ffi.gc(s2, ...), but why?  What is the rationale for not calling metatype
__gc when object is allocated outside of LuaJIT?

  Tomash Brechko

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