Re: memory allocation policy

  • From: Cosmin Apreutesei <cosmin.apreutesei@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: luajit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 23:50:03 +0300

> This is basically what we do, except that the finaliser is the C function 
> itself. Do you mean that if I wrap the call the the C function in a lua 
> function, both - the finaliser and the ffi call - will be compiled?

I think he means implementing a pool in Lua, so the function you pass
to ffi.gc() is Lua all the way down. Assigning on
ffi.gc(), with or without wrapping it into a Lua function, won't make
the call compiled, but I think more importantly, will leave you out of
memory pretty fast, because the gc doesn't know how much memory you've
allocated on a single object (and unfortunately there's not API to
tell it), and it needs that information in order to decide on the
number of objects to be collected on a single step.

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