Re: CMake build?

  • From: hasufell <hasufell@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: luajit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 09 May 2013 00:01:11 +0200

On 05/08/2013 05:59 PM, Tom Yaxley wrote:
> Or maybe even a Premake script? :)

Oh god, please no.

As a gentoo dev I have to deal with build systems on a regular basis and
we probably rant about all of them, but if there is one, that really
sucks in particular, then it's premake.

It's extremely difficult to patch it, since it compiles settings into a

Often times the distributed premake does not work, so upstream bundles
it which makes it even more annoying. Then you need to compile that.
Then you need to regenerate scripts.c in case you patches some config
files via "premake embed", then you need to recompile premake again.
This is so stupid.

It gets more unreadable the more it grows. It's just a low quality,
hacked up, yet another broken design.

You will not find any distributor who is eager to work with that, so if
you are unlucky, people might even procrastinate updating luajit, just
because of that. I'm not kidding.

Cmake devs are ignorant, because they ignore standards, see
but it works quite well most of the time, when you do it properly.

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