[lit-ideas] Re: offtopic, allergy inquiry

  • From: JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 06:21:07 EST

Stinging Nettle.
You can find it at your local herbal store and it's cheap.
When I got together with Jim, he was completely and constantly breathing  
through his mouth with watery eyes.  He kept saying he had a cold.  I  was 
certain it was an allergy problem, and made him take the stinging  nettle.  
After 2 
days he was completely cleared up.  I always know if  he's run out of it 
because he starts blowing his nose.  Seriously.   It's a miracle herb for 
allergies.  You will never suffer again.
Take 4 capsules twice a day for a couple days, and when things clear up go  
to a maintenance does of a couple capsules once or twice a day depending on how 
 severe the allergic reactions are.  
Trust me <g>.
Julie Krueger

========Original  Message========     Subj: [lit-ideas] offtopic, allergy 
inquiry  Date: 2/13/06 4:55:54 A.M. Central Standard Time  From: 
_carolkir@xxxxxxxxx (mailto:carolkir@xxxxxxxx)   To: _lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
(mailto:lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)   Sent on:    
Andreas tells us it's balmy in Palo Alto. Where I  live, some 3 hours south, 
it's been balmy to the point of tropical, with  every blasted plant species 
suddenly in bloom. Lovely though it feels to  some, I've been a sniveling, 
sneezing, itching mass of misery for a week  now.

Anyone have any home remedies for baaaad allergies to offer?  Benedryl barely 
touches this. Gettin' desperate, folks.

Ah  ah ah-chooey, sniff  sniff

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