[lit-ideas] Re: losing sight of the Categorical Imperative

  • From: "Walter C. Okshevsky" <wokshevs@xxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Robert Paul <rpaul@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 19:06:06 -0230

Yes, we Russians are deadly serious about our hermeneutic interpretations of
classic writers. If you misread the text, you pay the penalty. In this case,
the fellow was just a student so only rubber bullets were used. Many
professional Russian
philosophers, on the other hand, have accordingly published and perished. This
Putinian School of Forensic Hermeneutics - exported to many parts of the world,
including Iran as Salmon Rushdie will attest to - dominates all academic and
libationary debate in the country. We hardly have any living French
post-structuralists left. They are either summarily shot or sent to a state
college in the US. 

Na zdarovye tovarish.

Dr. Valodsya Mihailovich Gavrilov McSmirnov

Molotov Cocktail University

Quoting Robert Paul <rpaul@xxxxxxxx>:

> Man in Russia shot with rubber bullet ('I didn't know it was loaded') 
> during argument over Kant.
> Robert Paul
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