[lit-ideas] Re: lit-ideas Most Influential

  • From: eternitytime1@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 01:27:48 -0400


This was funny - to me!? I'm on a different list and belong to a society of 
people who are all excited bec Harper Collins has reissued part of a series of 
books that we are passionately involved with...(and, if any of you have 
middle-school or high-school aged girls, who are readers, we have a contest 
going on right now--I was sent copies of one of the new re-issues which are to 
be given to someone who might like them...let me know and I'll send it to you! 
All I ask is that you let me know if she likes it as I'm to post my 'story' of 
the introduction to BookClubGirl's blog and state whether I'm a Philo or a Zet 
(I'm a Philo--it's in the book...)

So, for me--the most influential author would be one most of you would not have 
heard about--but for which there was another convention in honor of this past 

Thus, in thinking that this is that really the clearest definition of 'most 
influential', I wonder - is what is 'most influential' for one be what is most 
influential for so many?? What scientific survey has been done using a great 
cross-section of samples?


Marlena in Missouri

(ready to mail some new-from-the-publisher reissues of titles from her favorite 

> Donal: Most influential = something I like a lot that lots of other people 
> have read or at least heard of.

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