[lit-ideas] ifamericansknew (2nd last post on this topic)

  • From: Ursula Stange <Ursula@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2006 08:32:48 -0400

I'm saving this whole site for my Straight-Thinking class. It's truly appalling reasoning served up with huge dollops of disdain and sarcasm and lies. In this excerpt, the author is supposedly debunking the original site's claim that there have been 65 UN resolutions targeting Israeli actions and none targeting Palestinian actions. Look at the author's comments below each grouping. (I 've excerpted it here in an effort to spare you all of it, but by all means go look directly.) I've inserted one comment below the first batch, but otherwise it's all from the page Stan pointed us to (so that we wouldn't be taken in by Weir's page). *

19. Resolution 279: ...'demands' withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon
20. Resolution 280: ....'condemns'Israeli's attacks against Lebanon
21. Resolution 285: ...'demands' immediate Israeli withdrawal form Lebanon
23. Resolution 313: ...'demands' that Israel stop attacks against Lebanon
24. Resolution 316: ..'condemns' Israel for repeated attacks on Lebanon
26. Resolution 332: ...'condemns' Israel's repeated attacks against Lebanon
27. Resolution 337: ...'condemns' Israel for violating Lebanon's sovereignty
28. Resolution 347: ...'condemns' Israeli attacks on Lebanon
29. Resolution 425: ...'calls' on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon
30. Resolution 427: ...'calls' on Israel to complete its withdrawal from Lebanon
33. Resolution 450: ...'calls' on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon
36. Resolution 467: ...'strongly deplores' Israel's military intervention in Lebanon
45. Resolution 498: ...'calls' on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon
46. Resolution 501: ..'calls' on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops
47. Resolution 509: ...'demands' that Israel withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon
49. Resolution 517: ...'censures' Israel for failing to obey UN resolutions and demands that Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon
53. Resolution 587: ;..'takes note' of previous calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon and urges all parties to withdraw/*
17 resolutions all saying the same thing: withdraw from Lebanon. I think they heard you the first sixteen times!*/

*Ursula's comment: pretty clever, eh, to switch the focus from the number to the content. We're just supposed to chuckle along with the author at the repetitiveness of the resolutions. Well, guess what...The UN wouldn't have had to say it 17 times if the Israeli's had complied any of the first 16 times.

34. Resolution 452: ..'calls' on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories
35. Resolution 465: ...'deplores' Israel's settlements and asks all member states not to assist Israel's settlements program/*
I think they heard you the first time*/

37. Resolution 468: ..'calls' on Israel to rescind illegal expulsions of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their return
38. Resolution 469: ...'strongly deplores' Israel's failure to observe the council's order not to deport Palestinians;
42. Resolution 484: ...'declares it imperative' that Israel re-admit two deported Palestinian mayors.
56. Resolution 607: ...'calls' on Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention
57. Resolution 608: ...'deeply regrets' that Israel has defied the United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians&";
58. Resolution 636: ...'deeply regrets' Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians
59. Resolution 641: ...'deplores' Israel's continuing deportation of Palestinians
61. Resolution 673: ...'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations
62. Resolution 681: ...'deplores' Israel's resumption of the deportation of Palestinians
63. Resolution 694: ...'deplores' Israel's deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return
64. Resolution 726: ...'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of Palestinians
65. Resolution 799: ...'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate retur/n.*
a whopping 12 times they make the same resolution condemning Israel's deportation of Palestinians!*

Notice how after you take apart the 65 resolutions listed on the site you find that the resolutions are saying the same things over and over again. Therefore it is misleading to say "at least 65 resolutions" targeting Israel. There is also the issue of the U.N.'s marked bias against Israel <http://www.science.co.il/Arab-Israeli-conflict/Articles/AIPAC-2002-05-20.asp> at play here, but I will not go into it in this site analysis.


Stan Spiegel wrote:

If I found this material about "If Americans Knew" in three seconds on Google, I'm sure Ursula must have seen it too. Ursula, you've found a site that "exploits Palestinian suffering for purposes of demonizing Israel. 'If Americans Knew' grossly misrepresents the situation in the middle east..."
I suggest you all take a look at this site analysis.
Stan Spiegel
Portland, ME
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