[lit-ideas] Re: Wittgenstein on Colour (Was: The Blue Book)

  • From: Robert.Paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert Paul)
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: 20 May 2004 11:03:14 PDT

>If we allow Wittgenstein this inconsistency, then indeed we have McEvoy's 
Reductio Ad Absurdum:

          objects are colourless.
          Wittgenstein wrote "The Blue Book"
          Wittgenstein didn't write an object.

I'm confused.<
I'm confused that JL is confused. The Blue Book (so named for the color of the
folders it was originally bound in) consists of material Wittgenstein dictated
to a group of his students from his lecture course at Cambridge, in 1934-35, so
that the entire class would have 'something to take home with them, in their
hands if not in their brains.' [Monk, 336]

The Blue Book briefly explores, or touches on almost every aspect of
Wittgenstein's so-called later philosophy, and introduced the expression
'language-game' into philosophical discourse. It is now part of what is
published as The Blue and Brown Books, which first appeared other than in
samizdat in 1958.

But, I suspect JL already knew this and was just pulling our legs. Tractatus
2.032 refers not to ordinary objects, the sorts of things that make up 'the
furniture of the world,' but to the logically simple objects which are the form
and substance of the world; the things which are directly referred to by
logically simple names. Books, etc., are not logically simple objects. But this
is a discussion I don't want to get into. I want to learn more about Geary's
theory of abstract predication.

Robert Paul
Reed College
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