[lit-ideas] Re: What Wittgenstein Could See

  • From: Michael Chase <goya@xxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 12:20:45 -0700

Le 11 ao=FBt 04, =E0 07:15, Andy Amago a =E9crit :

> <snip>
> A.A. I heard a discussion with Michio Kaku, the physicist.  Lewis=20
> Carroll, as everyone knows, was a mathematician.  What I didn't know=20=

> is that he wrote Alice in Wonderland as a demonstration of black holes=20=

> as passages between universes.

M.C. I'm afraid I find this pretty hard to swallow. Carroll published=20
Alice in 1872, and died in 1898. But nobody could have thought of the=20
idea of the existence of black holes before Einstein's theories were=20
annouced (special relativity, 1905, general 1915). The first person=20
actually to have thought of black holes was the German artillery=20
officer Karl Schwarzschild, whose results Einstein presented to the=20
Russian Academy in 1916.

        Chronologically, therefore, Kaku's suggestion is a=20
non-starter....unless you want to adopt the theory of Leonard Shlain=20
(Arts and Physics. Parallel visions in space, time, and light, New York=20=

1991) according to whom artists often intuitively anticipate new=20
scientific theories, especially revolutionary ones. But then, as one=20
learns in the last chapter's of his work, Shlain's contentions are=20
based on his belief in a World Soul =E0 la Ouspensky and spiritual=20
evolution =E0 la Teilhard de Chardin. In other words, Shlain is a good=20=

example of the work that drives P. Stone up the wall; but the=20
difference is that unlike Brian Greene, Shlain doesn't have the=20
credentials (he's a surgeon rather than a physicist), and he clearly=20
gets all his information second-hand (often from people like Marshall=20
McLuhan and Will Durant). In other words, Shlain is a phoney, from whom=20=

one can nevertheless learn a thing or two. Greene is the real McCoy=A0: =
practicing physicist who can actually write well and explain complex=20
matters clearly.

Michael Chase
7, rue Guy Moquet
Villejuif 94801

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