[lit-ideas] Re: The flu

  • From: Judy Evans <judithevans001@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 18:42:37 +0000

Wednesday, November 24, 2004, 3:23:15 PM, Andy Amago wrote:

AA> A.A. I wasn't aware that quercetin is in cranberries,
AA> although I'm not surprised.  Apples contain a fair amount of
AA> quercetin.  

Cranberries contain more -- and more Vitamin C. I am not a fan of mega-doses of 
C (and anyway they upset my stomach -- to put the point politely) but like to 
have enough of it!

I had heard quercetin associated with asthma relief,
AA> as well as the theophyllines in coffee and tea.  Theophyllines are
AA> the active ingredient in Bronchaid tablets.  With a viral
AA> infection, there are to my knowledge no foods that will make a
AA> difference once the infection is in process.  Even supplements of
AA> Vitamin C and echinacea have at best a very weak correlation or no
AA> correlation with lessening of symptoms. 

Quercetin's action in asthma relief has to do with its histamine-like 
properties and its effect on respiratory inflammation. It's possible that these 
qualities helped diminish my symptoms: I have allergic rhinitis (and an eye 
allergy) and when the cold first began, I thought it was rhinitis. 

JE> 3. I also eat a lot of avocados and olives, so it may not
JE> have been the cranberries; but they were the new component.

AA> A.A. Monounsaturated fatty acids are not associated with
AA> inflammation to my knowledge, 

I didn't mean inflammation, I meant the head cold generally (sorry: I should 
have made that clear).  But I'd eat the olives and avocados anyway, I like them 
so much! 

AA> inflammation, but most likely not when eaten as whole foods.  For
AA> anti-inflammatory properties I would imagine fatty fish would be
AA> best.  

Cod liver oil is good -- a doctor here did a major study on it.  I like fatty 
fish but don't want to eat it all the time so cod liver oil is useful.  

 Judy Evans, Cardiff, UK   

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