[lit-ideas] The Strangers' Club

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 19:41:05 EDT

In a message dated 3/9/2009 6:45:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

>The OED says you could look for them floating in your tea, or  hanging  
>on a grate.

And I was confused it has to do with 'terra' at all. It's just 'outsider',  

Latin "extraneus", from the preposition, "extra," outside.

>"Ptolemy's Calculation of the Earth-Sun  
>Distance as a  Case against Scientific Realism."  It was given by  
>Christian  C. Carman of 
i.e. short for CON sejo
                         N acional
                             I   nvestigaciones
                                  C i Entificas
>Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.   
>Wikipedia tells me  that Quilmes has two soccer teams, one founded by  
>the Scots, and  one, not.  Also a brewery.  I see why the British  
>would  want to invade there.
So if 'stranger' is 'outsider' and Geary is right that "The Self is the  
Other" then
who can hold an incestuous inbreed conversation with an _in-sider_.
Point: It's all about the Pool (the common ground)

You want to have a conversation and per natura it will be with a  'stranger'. 
With an insider, you don't _need_ to converse.
Is there a "Strangers' Club" in London?

I looked up the etymology of 'strange', too, and there, strangely, the  OED 
expands on 'extra' as meaning not just 'outside' but 'without'. Without  what, 
you wonder? Papers! That's without. W. O. P. -- none of your wily  oriental!
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