[lit-ideas] Re: The Leftists caused 9.11?

  • From: Brian <cabrian@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 11:41:58 -0600

I was just finishing a post on this when Andreas's note dropped. Here it is:

Dinesh D'Souza's new book The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and It's Responsibility for 9/11 comes out today and he argues that "the cultural Left and its allies in Congress, the media, Hollywood, the nonprofit sector, and the universities are the primary cause of the volcano of anger toward America that is erupting from the Islamic world."

From his interview with Kathryn Jean Lopez at NRO:

Lopez: Whats the indignation gap?

DSouza: The indignation gap refers to the vastly different temperature with which Leftists and their allies attack the Islamic radicals compared to their attacks on Bush. They usually say, "Granted Bin Laden is not a very nice guy" or "True, the man wishes us no good," but then they proceed to attack Bush and the conservatives with unrestrained vitriol. Actually look at the Left's uncontrolled fury toward my book. These people are going absolutely nuts. They have never said anything remotely this harsh about the Islamic radicals. Thats because I am attacking the Left's values at home, and exposing a link between the Left and the Islamic radicals that is the great unspoken secret of American politics. Basically the Islamic radicals supply the terror and the Left uses the terror to demoralize the American people and urge them to pull American troops out of Iraq and the Middle East. So on the one hand the Left dislikes the values of the Islamic radicals, and on the other the Left needs the Islamic radicals to fulfill its core mission in America, which is to wipe out the Right and send us back to the margins of American politics.

What D'Souza is describing is the core of BDS - the Left hates Bush more than it hates our enemies. Phil Donahue famously couldn't say anything negative about about Saddam without involving the U.S. ("Saddam was a bastard but he was our bastard") and when pushed the Left will admit Saddam and bin Laden and other murdering tyrants are bad but they'd rather vent their desperate hatred of Bush and Cheney, Halliburton and neocons.

Some months back in the Washington Post there was an article about Leftists bloggers that opened with "in the angry life of Maryscott O'Connor the rage begins as soon as she opens her eyes and realizes her president is still George W. Bush." What a great life. Wake up angry and frothing. Go to sleep angry and frothing.

D'Souza also wrote a recent article in World magazine and engaged in a debate with World editor Marvin Olasky (you must be a subscriber to read the full articles and I will send the full text to anyone who would like it).


On Jan 16, 2007, at 11:10 AM, Andreas Ramos wrote:

Dinesh D'souza (the sock puppet of Neocons) writes in his new book that the Left caused 9.11. With their amoral life style, they provoked the Arabs into attacking. This means Osama bin Laden is a freedom fighter, a moral equivalent of the Founding Fathers, striking a blow for decency, morality, and Family Values.

Okay, yes, this is pretty funny. But it's a turn in conservative thinking. They've given up on Iraq, so now they have to figure out who was responsible. Who invaded Iraq and got us into this mess? Blame the Left. They betrayed America. -- andreas

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