[lit-ideas] Re: The Duke's Box

  • From: David Ritchie <ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 09:04:05 -0800

When your history of Covent Garden is complete, you may join my future project, which is to investigate the history of Opera Houses in Eastern Oregon. Here is one ref.:


Here, another:


Here is the diary of the sort of man who might have bought a ticket:


My question is this, "Was there any opera involved?" Did these folk, who were hoping to strike it rich, think that they needed a touch of Verdi or Wagner in the wilderness to reassure themselves that they had not fallen off the edge of the map, or was "opera" a euphemism of some sort?

Answers on the back of a gold nugget, please, to:

David Ritchie,
Portland, Oregon
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