[lit-ideas] Re: Right to Life, Right to Die

  • From: Judy Evans <judithevans001@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 18:29:41 +0100

Sunday, April 3, 2005, 5:38:58 PM, Veronica Caley wrote:

VC> Judy:
VC> <There's suggested candidate who's something of a liberal -- as Cardinals go
VC> -- he probably has no chance.>

VC> I think no chance is correct.  Here, as there, it's Pope, etc. 24/7 to some
VC> degree on all channels.

Here it isn't, thank goodness. During Quatermass a little banner came
across the bottom of the screen: Major Newsflash BBC 24-hours.  Later
BBC1 went on about it, but on the whole our TV did its thing.  (I
think the rot set in -- as it were -- when Channel 4 announced it
wasn't going to cover Diana POW's funeral.)

RIP Terri Schiavo, forgotten so soon...

VC>  The reason the somewhat liberal has no chance is
VC> that I just heard that all but three of the cardinals were appointed by

I just heard that too.

VC>   My Catholic friends keep waiting and waiting and waiting some more
VC> for the next Pope, expecting him to be more in tune with gays, women, stem
VC> cell research and the things we more or less know from scientific
VC> information.  I myself don't expect this.  I think to myself, how many
VC> generations are they willing to wait?

Many have left, of course. But of course, that makes the Church easier
to control and more Pope-ish.

VC>  Probably doesn't matter one way or
VC> the other, as on the post regarding the state of the planet posted by
VC> Steven I think, the earth is at or near the tipping point.  Over population
VC> is at the base of much of our environmental woes.  Attempts at rescuing the
VC> planet are probably too little, too late.



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