[lit-ideas] Republicans for Kerry?

  • From: Eternitytime1@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2004 01:18:11 EDT

As I think of what might happen to the world if Sen Kerry is not  re-elected, 
I think, again, of this article.  I was, I think, disappointed  
tonight--though I think alot of what troubled me was having them sitting  
down...I think 
John Edwards' strength comes from moving around and being able to  think on his 
feet and Dick Cheney's from sitting down and acting like he is  (still) CEO of 
the company...  
It's a thought, though...but so is the reverse...and will there be any  
pieces left if Bush gets re-elected?  The part of me which does not like  
living on 
this planet (can I have a wake, too?) thinks it would be rather  entertaining 
to see how bad Bush would let things get in Iraq.  Part of me  says he really 
does not care -- and especially won't if he is re-elected -- but  the part of 
me which says that he wants to go down in History as Someone...that  part 
says he would care...if only selfishly.  
Whoever wins is going to have an awfully horrible time of it.  Of  course, I 
do not know how valid his arguments/comparisons are...
Concerned for the Future,
Marlena in Missouri
Wall Street Journal
Republicans for Kerry 
Bush's defeat would be good for the  GOP.  

Saturday, August 28, 2004 12:01 a.m. 

It is doubtless not the most tactful question to ask on the eve of the  
Republican convention, but might it not be better for American conservatism if  
George W. Bush failed to win a second term? 

Yes, I know, the official GOP line is that nothing could possibly be as  bad 
for the U.S. as a Kerry presidency. According to the Bush campaign, John  
Kerry's record of vacillation and inconsistency in the Senate would make him a  
disastrously indecisive POTUS--an IMPOTUS, as it were. 
By contrast, they  insist, Mr. Bush is decisiveness incarnate. And when this 
president makes a  decision, he sticks to it with Texan tenacity (no matter 
how wrong it turns out  to be). 
It is a mistake, however, to conceive of each presidential contest  as an 
entirely discrete event, a simple, categorical choice between two  individuals, 
with consequences 
stretching no further than four years. To be  sure, there are many tendencies 
in American political life that will not be  fundamentally affected by the 
outcome of November's election. For example,  contrary to what Mr. Kerry 
in his convention speech, there are profound  structural causes for the 
widening rift between the U.S. and its erstwhile  allies on the European 
that no new president could possibly  counteract. And regardless of 
whether Mr. Bush or Mr. Kerry is in the White  House next year, the U.S. will 
still be stuck with the dirty work of policing  post-Saddam Iraq with minimal 
European assistance other than from  Britain--which, by the same token, will 
remain America's most reliable military  ally 
regardless of whether Mr. Bush or Mr. Kerry is in the White House. 

Nor would the election of Mr. Kerry have the slightest impact on the  
ambition of al Qaeda to inflict harm on the U.S. Even if Americans elected  
Moore as president, Osama bin Laden would remain implacable. In  geopolitical 
terms, at least, what happens on Nov. 2 will 
change very little  indeed. Yet in other respects--and particularly in terms 
of party politics--the  election's consequences could be far-reaching. It is 
not too much to claim that  the result could shape American political life for 
a decade or more. _

Fourteen years ago, in another English-speaking country, an unpopular  and in 
many respects incompetent conservative leader secured re-election by the  
narrowest of 
margins and against the run of opinion polls. His name was John  Major, and 
his subsequent period in office, marred as it was by a staggering  range of 
economic, diplomatic and 
political errors of judgment, doomed the  British Conservative Party to (so 
far) seven years in the political wilderness.  I say "so far" because the 
damage done to the Tories' reputation by the Major  government of 1992-97 was 
that there is still no sign whatsoever of its  ever 
returning to power. 

Many Conservatives today would now agree that it would have been far  better 
for their party if Mr. Major had lost the election of 1992. For one  thing, 
the government deserved to lose. The decision to take the United Kingdom  into 
the European Exchange Rate Mechanism had plunged the British economy into a  
severe recession, characterized by a painful housing market bust. For another,  
the Labour candidate for the premiership, Neil Kinnock, had all the  
hallmarks of a one-term prime minister. It was Mr. Kinnock's weakness as a  
candidate that enabled Mr. Major to scrape home with a tiny majority of 21 out  
of 651 seats in the Commons. Had Mr. Kinnock won, the exchange rate crisis of 
 September 1992 would have engulfed an inexperienced Labour government, and 
the  Conservatives, having replaced Mr. Major with a more credible leader, 
could have  looked forward to an early return to office. 
Instead, the next five years  were a kind of Tory dance of death, in which 
the party not only tore itself  apart over Europe, but also helped to tear 
Bosnia apart by refusing all  assistance to those resisting Serbian aggression. 

Meanwhile, a spate of petty sexual and financial scandals discredited  one 
minister after another, making a mockery of Mr. Major's call for a return to  
traditional family values ("Back to Basics"). All of this provided the perfect  
seedbed for the advent of New Labour and the election by a landslide of Tony  
Blair in May 1997. Well, Mr. Blair is still in Downing Street and, having  
weathered the worst of the political storm over Iraq, seems likely to remain  
there for some years to come. 

Could something similar be about to happen in the U.S.? In my view, the  Bush 
administration, too, does not deserve to be re-elected. Its idéée fixe  about 
regime change in Iraq was not a logical response to the crisis of 9/11.  Its 
fiscal policy has been an orgy of irresponsibility. Given the hesitations of  
independent voters in the swing states, polls 
currently point to a narrow  Bush defeat. Yet Mr. Kerry, like Mr. Kinnock, is 
the kind who can blow an  election in a single sound bite. It's still all too 
easy to imagine George W.  Bush, like John Major, scraping home by the 
narrowest of margins (not least, of  course, because Mr. Bush did just that 
years ago). 

But then what? The lesson of British history is that a second Bush term  
could be more damaging to the Republicans and more beneficial to the Democrats  
than a Bush defeat. If he secures re-election, President Bush can be relied 
 to press on with a foreign policy based on pre-emptive military force, to 
ignore  the impending fiscal crisis (on the Cheney principle that "deficits 
don't  matter") and to pursue socially conservative objectives like the  
constitutional ban on gay marriage. Anyone who thinks this combination will  
serve to maintain Republican unity is dreaming; it will do the opposite.  
Meanwhile, the Dems will 
have another four years to figure out what the  Labour Party finally figured 
out: It's the candidate, stupid. And when the 2008  Republican candidate goes 
head-to-head with the 
American Tony Blair, he will  get wiped out. 
The obvious retort is that American politics is not British politics. No?  Go 
back half a century, to 1956, and recall the events that led up to the  
re-election of another Republican 
incumbent. Sure, Eisenhower didn't have  much in common personally with 
George W. Bush, except perhaps the relaxed work  rate. But Ike was no slouch 
it came to regime change. In 1953 a  CIA-sponsored coup in Iran installed as 
dictator Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. In  1954 Ike enunciated the "domino 
theory," following the defeat of France in  Vietnam and invaded Guatemala to 
another pro-American dictator. In 1955  he shelled 
the Chinese isles of Quemoy and Matsu. 

Yet Eisenhower's refusal to back the Anglo-French-Israeli invasion of  Egypt 
following Nasser's nationalization of the Suez Canal, and his acquiescence  in 
the Soviet invasion of 
Hungary, should have alerted American voters to  the lack of coherence in his 
strategy. Predictably, Ike's re-election was  followed by a string of 
foreign-policy reverses--not 
least the overthrow of  the Hashemite monarchy in Iraq, Castro's takeover of 
Cuba and the shooting down  of Gary Powers's U-2 spy plane over the Soviet 
Union. These were the setbacks  that lent credibility to JFK's hawkish campaign 
in 1960: And Kennedy's victory  handed the rest of the decade to the Democrats. 

Like Adlai Stevenson before him, Mr. Kerry has an aura of  unelectability 
that may yet prove fatal to his hopes. But a Stevenson win in  1956 would have 
transformed the subsequent course of American political history.  Conservatives 
may ask themselves with good reason 
whether defeat then might  ultimately have averted the much bigger defeats 
they suffered in the '60s. In  just the same way, moderate Republicans today 
justly wonder if a second Bush  term is really in their best interests. Might 
four years of Mr. Kerry not be  preferable to eight years or more of really 
effective Democratic leadership?  

Mr. Ferguson, professor of history at Harvard and a senior fellow of the  
Hoover Institution at Stanford, is author of "Colossus: The Price of America's  
Empire" (Penguin, 2004). 
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