[lit-ideas] Please Forgive

  • From: wokshevs@xxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2006 16:49:39 -0330

Dear Mike, Erin, Eric and Lawrence,

I have only recently been able to check my e-mail log and I see that you people
have replied to postings I have made this past month. Thank you for your
replies. Unfortunately, I no longer have those messages in my "old mail"
folder. Either I inadvertently deleted them, or my programme ate them due to my
folders being "over quota." (Somebody has been sending attachments with audio
and video in them!) If the latter, this may well be the case since the
dysfunctionality resulting from that source is quite indiscriminate in its
applications across my saved folders. I apologize for any unduly and
uncharacteristically long absences of replies from me to your messages. If you
still remember what they were about, and still care about receiving a response
from me, please send them out again. If not, I understand. What I can recall of
the messages is that I owe thanks to Mike G. for explaining the difference
between metonymy and synechdoche (sp?), to Eric Y. for a reply in Russian (?)
to a piece of Russian church liturgy I included in my "Latin translations at
Hemingway's" message and to Erin H. on a topic I now no longer recollect. Thank

Cheers, Walter

Walter C. Okshevsky
Memorial University

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  • » [lit-ideas] Please Forgive