[lit-ideas] Peter Winch (Is: "The Truth About Lies," by McEvoy

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 14:52:39 EDT

In a message dated 5/18/2010 7:33:36 A.M.,  donalmcevoyuk@xxxxxxxxxxx 
"At a LSE Popper lecture evening (some  years ago), Prof.O'Hear criticised 
P for his lack of understanding of the need  for society to limit its 
"honesty" [O'Hear was taking the ruthless search for  truth by critical 
discussion, that underpins P's epistemology, to imply ruthless  honesty in all 
situations - a crass implication that is not drawn in Popper's  own work 
O'Hear's remarks smacked of the kind of Wittgensteinian  critique of P's 
advocacy of (unfortunately termed) "social engineering" that was  put forward 
by Peter Winch, and was similarly misguided and fatuous."
Oddly, I love Peter Winch. This is not strange. I have a systematic  
tendency to admire all philosophers that McEvoy despises.
In any case, my love for Winch is not long-dated. I used, as McEvoy, to  
'disregard' him, till one day I was browsing "Understanding" -- a volume in 
the  best society for philosophy that England ever gave, "The Royal Institute 
of  Philosophy", -- those handy paperback volumes edited by Macmillan -- and 
caught  Winch quoting Grice:
"Grice is a genius. This is all about the "point" of what we say, not about 
 its truth!". Loved the man for that!
J. L. Speranza
--- for the Grice Club,
----- Bordighera
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