[lit-ideas] "Natural [Organic] Food" (vs. "Unnatural [Junk] Food")

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 22:45:05 EDT

We are discussing the natural/non-natural distinction as it applies to _la  
n a message dated 8/30/2004 9:28:56 AM Eastern Standard Time,  
aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
For an  alternative view, I recall one of the characters in Bruce 
Sterling's  science fiction novel _Islands in the Net_, who refuses to 
eat anything  but chemically reconstituted petroleum. He argues that all 
natural foods  have evolved over millions of years to be poisonous to 
predators--how  could you possibly take the risk of eating that stuff.
Interestingly, chemically reconstituted petroleum is not in the OED list of  
'natural food' -- some quotes 1671 onwards on this interesting phrase  
Cites for 'natural food' in the OED
1671 J SHARP Midwives Bk. IV. viii. 224 
There is nothing better  after conception, to prevent abortment than good 
*natural food  moderately taken. 
1683 T  TRYON Way to Health 489 
Nor [is it] lawful for any of us to eat  Sweet-Meats or delicious Tarts, 
after we have eaten sufficiently of other simple  & natural Food. 
1841 F.  MYERS Catholic Thoughts III. §14. 52 
There is a considerable  portion of all natural  food..serving rather for the 
vehicle than for the  substance of our support. 
1934  H. C. SHERMAN  Food & Health xvii. 160 
Natural foods,..nature's  wholes of the kinds to which our own bodies have 
been adjusting themselves  throughout our evolutionary history. 
1999 Healing Arts Festival 1999 Programme 14/2  (advt.) 
We are a one-stop organic and natural food  supermarket in London.


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