[lit-ideas] Literary Correspondences

  • From: "Alex Jorgensen" <bangdrum@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2007 11:03:04 +0800

I'm a writer, hope I'm anyway, who's only now feeling comfortable sayin' it, and I've got some stuff reminiscient of Rilke's Letters to a Young Poet in the upcoming. Our correspondences lasted eight years, often many a week, photos and all kinds of mostly private stuff, the last hours before he passed. They might be of interest - the issue, certainly - but the "Emails to a Younger Poet".

I offer this, because I really like this list.

" Announcing Jacket 31 "

As the shades of 2006 gather to bid us farewell...

    the glow of a gleaming new Jacket lights up the night sky...

Jacket 31 - October 2006 - via


Featuring the late great Robert Creeley...

   poetry from the Low Countries...

      the Letter to Poets project...

        more on the Phlarf Phenomenon...

           and millions of poems, reviews, articles, and interviews.

Feature: Robert Creeley (1926-2005)

     Edited by Michael Kelleher

--- Robert Creeley, 'Wow. I called it and why not:' 7 letters,
1950-1961, edited by Rod

Smith, Peter Baker and Kaplan Harris.

--- Charles Alexander: Robert Creeley: The Speech that Seeks Company
(two brief notes)


--- Benjamin Friedlander: Reading in Pieces

--- Susan Howe: Leaf   Flower in the Wind   Falling Blue  The Dark

--- From Words to Pieces: On Robert Creeley, A tape-essay by Tosa
Motokiyu, Ojiu

Norinaga, and Okura Kyojin, with an introduction by Kent Johnson and
Javier Alvarez

--- Alexander Jorgensen: Emails to a Younger Poet

--- Margaret Konkol: Creeley in Age: Negative Poetics in Robert
Creeley's Late Work

--- Ruth Lepson: "It Is All a Rhythm": Robert Creeley and Steve Lacy

--- Stan Persky: About Robert Creeley (1926-2005)

--- Kyle Schlesinger: GETTING Behind the Word: Creeley's TyPOGRAPHY

--- Dale Smith: Space Suits: the Empirical Tradition in Robert
Creeley's "A Day Book"

--- Joel Weishaus: A Poem Addressed to Robert Creeley on His Poem
"Histoire De -Florida."

--- Don Wellman: Creeley's Ear

Robert Creeley in earlier issues of Jacket:

--- Jacket 12 - Robert Creeley: Preface to /Against the Silences/, by
Paul Blackburn

--- Jacket 12 - Robert Creeley: Preface to 'Charles Olson...', by Tom

--- Jacket 14 - Robert Creeley: Scholar's Rocks (poem) - art by Jim

--- Jacket 15 - Robert Creeley: For Kenneth [Koch]

--- Jacket 22 - Robert Creeley: In Memoriam Ric Caddel

--- Jacket 25 - Robert Creeley - Simon Pettet's Calling

--- Jacket 25 - Robert Creeley in Conversation with Leonard Schwartz,
24 November, 2003

--- Jacket 26 - Robert Adamson: Robert Creeley, 1926-2005

Feature: The Low Countries -

    Editor: Karlien van den Beukel

--- Karlien van den Beukel: Introduction [to come]

--- Paul Bogaert: ADDRESS, translated by John Irons

--- Arjen Duinker: Senses and Desires, translated by Jeltje Fanoy

--- Hans Faverey: Poems from Three Cycles: translated by Francis R.

--- Astrid Lampe: 4 Poems from "Spuit je Ralkleur" (Spray your RAL

--- Lucebert: Four Poems, translated by Diane Butterman

--- Erik Spinoy: Three poems, translated by John Irons

--- Dirk van Bastelaere: Wwwhhhooossshh (The Opera Ain't Over Till The
Fat Lady Sings),

trans. Willem Groenewegen

--- F. van Dixhoorn: Two Poems: 'All at sea' and 'Big batten', trans.
Astrid van Baalen,

with a note on the translation

--- ...more to follow

--- Reviews: Andrew Duncan: "The Last to Leave" by Dirk van Bastelaere

--- Douglas Messerli: Three reviews: Hugo Claus, Remco Campert, Hans

--- Eliot Weinberger: "Preface Against the Forgetting: Selected Poems"
by Hans Faverey,

trans. by Francis Jones

Feature: Letters to Poets

--- Introduction: Dana Teen Lomax and Jennifer Firestone: Letters To
Poets: Conversations

About Poetics, Politics, and Community

--- Kathleen Fraser and Patrick Pritchett

--- Paul Hoover and Albert Flynn DeSilver

--- Leslie Scalapino and Judith Goldman


--- Charles Bernstein: Afterword to "The Holy Forest: Collected Poems
of Robin Blaser"

(Revised and Expanded Edition) Edited by Miriam Nichols

--- Rachel Blau DuPlessis: Manhood and its Poetic Projects: The
construction of

masculinity in the counter-cultural poetry of the U.S. 1950s

--- Jonathan Fedors: Writing Class in Kevin Davies' "Comp"

--- John Felstiner and David Goldstein: The Lure of the God: Robert
Duncan on Translating


--- Chris Glomski: Leafing The Now: "Depth Theology" by Peter O'Leary,
"The Totality for

Kids" by Joshua Clover

--- Piers Hugill: "Fig" by Caroline Bergvall, and "Via: Poems
1994-2004", by Caroline


--- Tom Jones: "The Unconditional: A Lyric" by Simon Jarvis

--- Poets Behaving Badly: Robert Sheppard: "Poetry Wars: British Poetry
of the 1970s and

the Battle of Earls Court" by Peter Barry: 'What the Arts Council's
investigating team

had failed to achieve in months I accomplished in seconds,' boasts
Osborne of the fateful

meeting when the avalanche of resignations was triggered by chairman
Jeff Nuttall. 'They

marched out of the room, and I asked the Secretary to be certain to
record their

resignations in the minutes, for fear they should come to what senses
they possessed and

march back in again. But they didn't return. Was ever a victory so


--- Anthony Stephens: Nietzsche's Unease: The Ambiguity of Poetic


--- Caroline Bergvall: The Summer Tale (Deus Hic, 1)

--- Sean Carey: Looking at Peter Porter after many years

--- Sharon Dolin: Four poems: Missed Hummer / The Give, Seek, Am / This
Scabbard's Free /


--- Landis Everson: Jack, My Vocabulary Said This

--- Adam Fieled: Apparition Poems

--- Alan Gilbert: from "Pretty Words Made a Fool Out of Me"

--- rob mclennan: Four poems

--- D.S. Marriott: the levees

--- Geoff Page: Ugly Beauty

--- Hazel Smith: In camera

--- Mark Yakich: New Love Poem

--- Jeffrey Yang: Bedsong for A - after Ian Hamilton Finlay (1925-2006)

--- Todd Swift: Four poems: Confessions / The Serious Business / I'm In
Love With A

German Film Star / Hume

--- John Tranter: Girl in Water

--- Harriet Zinnes: Possibilities

--- Grzegorz Wróblewski: Two poems: A Summation Scheme (About the
Illness of John T.) /

Black Head


--- Janet Cardiff in conversation with Anthony Easton

--- The Romantic Objectivist: Hugh Seidman in conversation with Molly
Nason, 2006

More on Flarf

--- Michael Gottlieb: Googling Flarf

--- Rick Snyder: The New Pandemonium: A Brief Overview of Flarf


--- Erik Anderson: Cockerels and Testicles: "Exchanges of Earth & Sky"
by Jack Collom

--- Martin Anderson: "New and Selected Poems" by Kelvin Corcoran

--- Scott Bentley: "Perspective Would Have Us" by Erica Carpenter

--- Clive Bush: "Myne. New and Selected Poems and Prose, 1976-2005" by
Frances Presley

--- John Couth: "Inside to Outside" by Christopher Gutkind

--- Ian Davidson: "Collected Poems" by Lee Harwood

--- Thomas Fink: "The Secret Lives of Punctuations, Vol. 1" by Eileen
R. Tabios

--- Kass Fleisher: "Nightbirds" by Garin Cycholl

--- Tom Goff: "Must Be Present to Win", poems by Meg Withers

--- Henry Gould: "Breeze" by John Latta

--- Lisa Guidarini: "Jagged With Love" by Susanna Childress

--- Edmund Hardy: "The Places As Preludes" by Gustaf Sobin

--- Edmund Hardy: "Ancestors and Species: New & Selected Ethnographic
Poetry" by Tom


--- Tim Kahl: "Mulberry", by Dan Beachy-Quick

--- David Kennedy: Ken Bolton, "At The Flash & At The Baci" - Four
Coffees with Ken


--- Michael Leddy: Homer: "Iliad" 12 CDs and "Odyssey" 10CDs,
translated and read by

Stanley Lombardo: '...I have been reading and teaching the Iliad and
the Odyssey in

Lombardo's translations for several years, and I'm delighted by the
ways in which

listening to these readings allows nuances of the poems to register.'

--- Ben Lerner: "Curves to the Apple", by Rosmarie Waldrop

--- Nicole Mauro: "Twin Towers" by Basil King

--- Nicole Mauro: "Gogol in Rome" by Katia Kapovich

--- Bridie McCarthy: "Strange Attractors", by Louis Armand

--- Tim Morris: "Word is Born", by Michael Kindellan and Reitha

--- Robert Mueller: "Ledger" by Susan Wheeler

--- Paul Nelson: "Lost in the Chamiso" by Amalio Madueño

--- Paul Nelson: "Fulcrum" Number Four 2005

--- Craig Perez: "Involuntary Lyrics" by Aaron Shurin

--- Gilbert Wesley Purdy: "Concerning The Book That Is The Body Of The
Beloved" by

Gregory Orr

--- Brian Richards: "Epigramititis: 118 Living American Poets" by Kent

--- Peter Riley: "Blue Grass" by Peter Minter

--- Dale Smith: "Solution Simulacra" by Gloria Frym

--- Rob Stanton: "Open Clothes" by Steve Benson

--- James Stuart: "The Trees: Selected Poems 1967-2004" by E. Montejo
and "Walking to

Point Clear" by David Brooks

--- Ezra Tessler: "The Collected Fiction of Kenneth Koch", by Kenneth

--- Carolyn van Langenberg: "The Hoplite Journals" by Martin Anderson

--- Mark Wallace: "Industrial Poetics: Demo Tracks for a Mobile
Culture" by Joe Amato:

'... That such forums continue to exist in a society often so hostile
to them gives Amato

at least a degree of optimism on which to conclude a book that spends
most of its time

detailing a vast industry of unfreedom and the anguish it causes.'

--- Ivan Weiss: "Gagarin Street" by Piotr Gwiazda

--- Marjorie Welish: "Spinoza in Her Youth" by Norma Cole


"People strike sparks off each other; that is what I try to note down.
But mark well,

they only do this when they are talking together. After all, we don't
write letters now,

we telephone. And one of these days we are going to have TV sets which
lonely people can

talk to and get answers back. Then no one will read anymore."  --
British novelist Henry

Green (to Terry Southern, "Paris Review" interview, 1958)

Thanks to the many poets, reviewers, writers and editors who have
offered their work to Jacket free
of charge.

If you'd like to be taken off this mailing list,
please just go to Jacket's email page at
and ask

     -- John Tranter, Editor, Jacket magazine
     -- Pam Brown, Associate Editor, Jacket magazine

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  • » [lit-ideas] Literary Correspondences