[lit-ideas] Re: Laurie Mylroie

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 15:43:31 -0400

LH: Perhaps you could enlighten us as to current thinking about Laurie Mylroie, but more importantly, could you please get Irene off my back.

Andyrene could look her up on sourcewatch.com. Peter Bergen thinks she's a conspiracy nut, while Clinton's ex-CIA chief Woolsey reveres her. In _Best American Essays 2002_, Gore Vidal's piece on the Oklahoma City Bombers references her work.

Her main assumption (in connecting Saddam to WTC attack in '93) was that Ramzi Yusef was an Iraqi agent, and that seems to have been refuted. Other assumptions of hers--such as the Iraq terrorist training site at Salman Pak--have been proven.

As a professor at the Naval War College, she was enormously influential with first-term Clintonians, and especially among the NeoCons, especially Cheney's people.

Her writings do give a picture of how muddy intelligence work is, how analysts must always sift unknowns with partially knowns, and the fluid nature of terrorist connections, e.g., former IRA bombers working with Columbian rebels.

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