[lit-ideas] Re: Iran Bonds with N Korea, Unleashes Mini-Me to Help Hez

  • From: "Mike Geary" <atlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 14:26:44 -0500


Now it looks like all the scumbags are working together in a most incontrovertible and open manner. Guess these rats don't even believe their own lies anymore, so they've come up with a "Yeah we're the Axis of Evil. You got a problem with that?" approach. -EY

Yep. And I wish like hell it was as amusing as you've expressed it. But you know, the whole world told that stupid ass George Bush and his Strangelove collection of admin men that this would surely be the outcome of his "new Middle-East" invasion. But those boys knew best. They knew how to kick ass. They were some tough hombres, they were. "Bring it on!" Uh oh. They did. They fucking brought it on. Oh shit! Three and a half years later and the Middle-East is on the brink of all out conflagration. Oh, if only the Marx Brothers were still alive to star in a new season of the West Wing.

Andy Amago
from Bombay to Mumbai
from Constantinople to Istanbul
from Ceylon to Thailand
from Siam to Sri Lanka
from Burma to Myanmar
from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe
they all do it my way.

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