[lit-ideas] Re: Henri Cartier-Bresson

  • From: Robert.Paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert Paul)
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: 04 Aug 2004 15:06:34 PDT

Yes, I think Atget is the better craftsman, but there is, paradoxically, to my
eyes, more intense life and more spaciousness in Cartier-Bresson, and the range
of his subjects was wider (Algiers, Moscow, China, e.g.), while Atget was mostly
limited to late 19th and early 20th century Paris and its environs.

He used a large plate camera and his made contact prints from the negatives
(many of his plates were purchased and printed by Berenice Abbott in the 1950s).
Cartier-Bresson worked (exclusively, as far as I know) in 35mm, and freed
photography from the salon forever. No longer was it the stepchild of painting.

But we don't have to choose. They were both giants.

Robert Paul
Reed College
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