[lit-ideas] Re: Help -- mysterious numbers

  • From: "William Dolphin" <dolphinw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 06 Oct 2009 19:56:57 -0700



I'm not really a webmonkey myself, but I'm guessing the issue is with
Firefox's interface with Gmail, since when I look at the source code of your
email I see, surrounding the mysterious numbers, a bunch of formatting code
with tag IDs that reflect being specific to creating the background you're
seeing and generally making your emails look right in Mozilla (e.g.


As someone once responsible for overseeing the uniform display of a certain
elite university's websites, I can tell you that creating code that keeps
things looking the same from one browser to the next is extremely
challenging and can often result in unintended "artifacts" such as you're
seeing, particularly when an updated version of a browser is involved (and
Firefox is engineered to check for and install updates on its own).


Since I'm finding html code in your email, that tells me you've got a gmail
setting for html enabled. Turning that off (i.e. using "plain text" for the
display and encoding of your messages) will likely fix it. 


If you are attached to seeing all the pretty html styles and whatnot, you
might try using a different browser and see if that changes anything. If
you're conspiracy minded, you can put it down to a ham-fisted attempt by
Google to get everyone on their new Chrome browser.


-Wm. Dolphin

Waxing nostalgic for the days when he had a pen of webmonkeys at his




From: lit-ideas-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:lit-ideas-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Julie Krueger
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 5:07 PM
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Help -- mysterious numbers



On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Robert Paul <rpaul@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

If you'll let me know what program it is, I'll ask my son in Seattle, if he
has any hunches. Andreas or Paul Stone, may solve the problem effortlessly,
of course.


I did, and he said

'It's a needle in a haystack sort of a thing without knowing what
OS/browser combination she's using, whether in Gmail she's using the
"older version" or "basic HTML" options, and if this behavior occurs
on other web sites or in other software.'

So, there you have it. Is gmail an application, I mean, do you download it?
If it is an app, would it be possible to uninstall and then reinstall it?

Your son will know from gmail -- it's a web application.  I don't use the
html, but the "standard" view (the current version, nothing really "old").
OS is WIN XP, Browser is Mozilla Firefox, and so far no other websites or
software ...  grrrr.

Julie Krueger   

I have the College's computer user services to deal with such things. I also
get free flu shots.

Robert Paul,
living high

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