[lit-ideas] Re: Frog Style Biscuit: What is Bush Preparing For?

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2006 15:24:36 -0400

Andy: Maybe in fact you're right, Eric. Scary Republicans. But then, you'd rather look at the 1% that might happen against the 99% that will or has happened like Katrina or Bush's back door draft through nationalizing the
National Guard.

Ha-ha-ha-ha. Andy-Irene, you wag you.

Trying to answer your posts is like trying to milk a turtle--not sure how it can be done and not sure of the value of the effort.

Frog Style Biscuit is one of those loony "we're the enemy" sites. Bush Admin is responding to the Katrina disaster by proposing legislation that will give the feds the power to act more quickly should another Katrina occur. (If you remember Katrina, there was a lot of bureaucratic scuffling about the mayor/governor/fed/FEMA mix.)

FSB takes this info and posts pure paranoia: "This bill is highly significant because, if passed, it will dramatically decrease the security of the US. It will allow the federal government to unilaterally declare an emergency and take military control over America's states."

It's all too silly. Bernard Lewis is a wild stretch too. But Frog Style Biscuit is just frothing at the mouth.

Anyway, no more turtle milking.

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