[lit-ideas] FW: FW: Re: Alternatives to one-upmanship

  • From: "Andy Amago" <aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "lit-ideas" <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2006 15:37:54 -0400

Distraction *from* the sinking.  The "of course nobody will read it" is not
a challenge to this list.  It's a statement of fact of what's going on in
the U.S. and how his book will simply wind up on the dustbin of history,
mostly unread.   He traces the roots of our demise to Thomas Jefferson and
he says we have no values in this country outside of "more".  He also
offers no solutions because, he says, the levers of power are inaccessible,
hidden and also, he says, most important, because people simply don't want
to know.  There is life after empire, as the British know.  But, he says,
it will be different for us because the British had us as their legatees
(my word); that was in effect the pact between Churchill and Roosevelt. 
We, by contrast, have no one to pass the baton to.  We only have
competitors in the world.  

> Correction: he does talk about OBL, but only in the context that OBL can
> see what Americans refuse to see.  We have collective denial in this
> country.  We are the authors of our problems, and looking at Islamists and
> meddling in the world is a distraction of the sinking that we've been
> for a very long time.   Fascinating book, should be mandatory reading for
> everyone, but of course nobody will read it.

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  • » [lit-ideas] FW: FW: Re: Alternatives to one-upmanship