[lit-ideas] Re: Einstein -Scene 2a

  • From: Eric Yost <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2005 02:46:28 -0500

Swiss Patent Office  Night

MAN: I have some aerosol spray cheese and wheat biscuits.

EINSTEIN: Where do you get all this stuff?

MAN: Same place you got that ...bong thing. This IS a patent office.

[They spray cheese on biscuits and eat greedily. Einstein accidentally sprays cheese on his cuff and licks it off.]

EINSTEIN: Mmmmm. We do stand on the shoulders of giants.

MAN: I wonder if it gives them bursitis.

EINSTEIN: We are destined for greatness--sometimes I sure of it. It feels like a calling, a destiny...

MAN: At the very least it would give them sore shoulders.

EINSTEIN: Someday they will all laugh at me.

MAN: Maybe if we designed shoulder pads for the giants...

EINSTEIN: Enough with the shoulders of giants already. I'm trying to have a sense of impending destiny.

MAN: I think my destiny is not to get promoted until Schimmelpletzer is transferred. He has it in for me.

EINSTEIN: Schimmelpletzer is a schmuck.

[They touch elbows, link arms, and pound each other's foreheads with their fists.]

MAN: Hey Al, I forgot to show you this. [retrieves box from behind his desk, removes complicated electronic gizmo from box]


MAN: [reading patent application] One Multivariant Universal Time Displacement and Travel Velocipedic Generator. By Peter Joseph Lenné and Wilhelm X. Contains operational prototype. Al, it's a time machine!

EINSTEIN: How does it work?

MAN: It says, "Press Here."

EINSTEIN: So press there.

MAN: Should be good for a few laughs. Okay, I'll press here. On my mark. Mark.

[The stage fills with white light.]

TO BE CONTINUED.... hopefully by someone else

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  • » [lit-ideas] Re: Einstein -Scene 2a