[lit-ideas] Re: Denying the Holocaust

  • From: Teemu Pyyluoma <teme17@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 22:21:55 -0800 (PST)

--- Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> >RP: Holocaust Denier Gets Three Years
> What do people think about this? Should Irving be in
> jail?
Nope, I'd rather have the lunatic free than martyred,
and more importantly I don't see how his kind of work
can be outlawed without contradicting freedom of
speech, a contradiction that is bound to blow up in
our face sooner or later. Bad scholarshio is to be
deplored, but outlawed?

> It's peculiar how some things go almost completely
> undiscussed on this list.
> other topics of interest:
> Cheney Shooting.

Couldn't care less, the jokes are funny though.

> How/What is Sharon doing?

Apparently I could care less, not even anny good

> Did anyone see the "global warming" segment on 60
> Minutes on Sunday?

Obviously not, what was in it?

> What is Hamas doing?
Dealing with the inevitable collapse between ones
fantasies and reality (see Bush II, Administration
of.) Which leads to either sobering re-evalution of
the fantasies or a breakup with reality, usually bit
of both. The withdrawal of aid might be a blessing in
disguise though.

Speaking of unrealistic fantasies, I have a simple
one. It seems that unearned money, be it from selling
natural resources or aid, leads to bad governments
because the government isn't accountable to its
citizens as tax payers. Yet we in the more fortunate
parts of the world want to give aid to the less
fortunate, and I believe rightly so. Isn't the obvious
solution to this giving the money straight to the
people? Set up a bank and open up an account for every
single person that is resipent of aid, and then divide
the aid per capita. As a side effect you get a banking
system and a population cencus.
> Can we do anything other than berate each other and
> actually discuss stuff?
I think I won't comment on that. Well OK, I certainly
hope so.

> Personally bored to tears by this years' Olympics. I
> know why, does anyone else?
I'm loving it, and I think you know why.

Helsinki, Finland

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