[lit-ideas] Christianity and the military

  • From: Eric <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 23:58:50 -0500

Phil Enns notes the pacifist trends in early Christianity but he should also note the first Gentile convert was a Roman centurion named Cornelius. For some reason, the NT treats centurions (those in charge of 100 Roman soldiers) with considerable respect. A centurion brings his servant to Jesus to be healed. A centurion (famously in pop culture as John Wayne) realizes the deity of the crucified Jesus. In Acts, a centurion saves Paul from being torn to bits by a mob. Whereas the rank and file Roman soldiers receive denigration, centurions get good treatment in the NT stories. It's certainly a curiosity, and I'm not sure what its broader implications are, but the case of Cornelius alone shows that the very earliest Christians were not averse to military folk.

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