[lit-ideas] Between the Bridge and the River

  • From: JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 01:05:44 EDT

Hey!  My guy has a book out!  He describes it as a novel w/ lots  of true 
parts <g>.  If he writes anything like he talks, I'm  sold.  For some bizarre 
reason, the first review makes me wonder if Craig  is related to Geary!
Julie Krueger
<< A literary treat, April 4, 2006
Reviewer: _Laurel  Malek_ 
York, NY) - _See all my reviews_ 
 Between the  
Bridge and the River is a swift and crowded tour through contemporary sex,  
drugs, and rockin' religion. Fans of Christopher Moore, Bill Fitzhugh, Tom  
Robbins and Tom Holt will be delighted to welcome another wild man to the 
Ferguson's many characters are easy to keep track of, as their distinct  
personalities and traits are very well drawn. TV preachers, Hollywood stars,  
serial killers, a femme fatale, and many other folks careen around Glasgow and  
Paris, Florida, California, and Vegas. As they ricochet in valiant confusion,  
occasional slapstick and manic misadventures, some find a clearer understanding 
 of what they really want from life. It's a very entertaining and hilarious 
read.  >>

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  • » [lit-ideas] Between the Bridge and the River