[lit-ideas] Re: A question of Grammar. Was: Normal and Revolutionary Learning

  • From: Donal McEvoy <donalmcevoyuk@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 10:36:33 +0100 (BST)

--- Paul Stone <pastone@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Which is it people?
> A) sucking on each other's dicks
> B) sucking on each others' dicks
> C) sucking on each other's dick
> D) sucking on each others' dick
> I would say (C) -- were I to say such a thing.

A) is GA (grammatically appropriate) in the case of someone referring to the
mutual practice in question in relation to two or more individuals
B) is GA in the case etc......in relation to two or more groups of

C) and D) truncate the plural - 'dicks'- to the singular which is not GA
unless in the case of individuals or groups they all share the same dick, a
concept that is unfamiliar in western tradition where dick ownership is
invariably a singular notion and therefore one that requires a plural where
more than one individual or group is involved.

However, though strictly not GA the truncation to the singular sounds better
in screen dialogue, hence the 'Tarrantino truncation' as it is now termed.

Post-grad in Dickness and Cleverness Studies
Doctoral Thesis 'The Phallic Symbol Distinguished From Anything Longer Than
It Is Wider'

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