[lit-ideas] A Fish Eyed View of the World

  • From: "Erin Holder" <erin.holder@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 10:50:37 -0400

You can read the first few lines of the article on the homepage, but you need 
to be a paid subscriber to access the rest of the article.  So, I'm going to 
type the whole thing out.  It's entirely too funny a read to overlook.

A Fish Eyed View of the World

Italian city bans goldfish bowls

By Siri Agrell

A city in Northern Italy is defending a widely ridiculed new law that makes it 
illegal to keep goldfish in glass bowls because it gives them a "distorted 
sense of reality."  

The Town of Mozna, which hosts the Italian Grand Prix, has passed a law "on the 
treatment of domestic animals," which bans the sale of chicks at fairs, giving 
small animals as prizes in competitions and outlaws goldfish bowls.

"A fish kept in a bowl has a distorted view of reality...and suffers because of 
this," city councilor Giamietro Mosca told Agence France-Presse.  "Also, this 
type of receptacle generally doesn't have a filter and doesn't allow for good 
oxygenation of the water, unlike in rectangular aquariums."

The town wants to teach children that animals must never be mistreated or 
exploited, regardless of size or swimming style.

"This story about the goldfish, which has gone around Italy, seems a little 
irrelevant and people have mocked it a bit, but it has a very specific 
educational sense, especially for the little ones," Mr. Mosca said.

David McNish, of Roy's Pet Shop in Kingston, said the councilor's concern about 
oxygen betrays a limited understanding of the goldfish's respiratory system, 
never mind any existential despair.  "A goldfish is a top air breather," he 
said, explaining they rise to the surface instead of breathing underwater 
through their gills..."

There's a bit more to the article, but it's mostly just facts about goldfish.  
I can post the rest of it if anyone _really_ wants to know.  I just got a kick 
out of the article, that's all.  Made my morning, really.

The goldfish and its existential despair.  Ha.  I love it :)

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