[Linuxtrent] Re: riflessione sulla sicurezza di alcune applicazioni LAMP

  • From: azazel <azazel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: linuxtrent@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 20:11:19 +0100

>>>>> "Marco" == Marco Ciampa <ciampix@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Marco> Mi sono domandato spesso: applicazioni LAMP, così prone a
    Marco> problemi (anche gravi) di sicurezza, sono (poche, per la
    Marco> verità) presenti nei repository Debian / Ubuntu.  Per esempio
    Marco> Drupal e Mediawiki.

    plone.org> The following data was extracted from the National Vulnerability
    plone.org> Database, in April 8th, 2009. The figures presented represent 
the total
    plone.org> number of occurrences of the term searched, with the numbers in
    plone.org> parenthesis representing the number of occurrences in the past 3 

    plone.org>     * Plone/Zope/Python stack:
    plone.org>           o CVE Entries containing Plone: 10 (10)
    plone.org>           o CVE Entries containing Zope: 19 (4)
    plone.org>           o CVE Entries containing Python: 68 (46)
    plone.org>     * PHP-based stacks:
    plone.org>           o CVE Entries containing Drupal: 197 (183)
    plone.org>           o CVE Entries containing Joomla: 327 (314)
    plone.org>           o CVE Entries containing MySQL: 233 (136)
    plone.org>           o CVE Entries containing Postgre: 66 (32)
    plone.org>           o CVE Entries containing PHP: 9,989 (7,276)
    plone.org>     * Other stacks:
    plone.org>           o CVE Entries containing Perl: 2,544 (1,092)

    plone.org> These numbers do not prove anything by themselves, of course, 
but do
    plone.org> suggest a general trend and are a good approximation of our 
    plone.org> track record compared to other systems.

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