[Linuxtrent] Re: Stallman risponde a 'Fwd: Trento province (in Italy) approuves a law that makes Free Software preferred choice'

  • From: "Giuliano Natali" <diaolin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: linuxtrent@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2005 17:21:50 +0200 (CEST)

paolo massa ha scritto:
> Sotto la sua risposta, in puro stile Stallmaniano ;-)

Interessante, specialmente dal punto di vista delle sue controdeduzioni
sull'opportunita' ultima di adottare software proprietario o meno.

> It surely permits exceptions in cases where "there is no free software
> to do a certain job."  That is necessary.  But I can imagine that
> every department would find some reason to argue why the only way to
> "do the job" is to use Windows and proprietary software for
> everything.  It is often a matter of interpretation to say just what
> "the job" is and what it means to "do the job" well enough.  They
> could pick interpretations which imply that they MUST use proprietary
> software, now and forever.

Quasi lapalissiano!
Stallman e' sempre un grande!

Attraversare la strada puo' sembrare facile ma,
per le galline, e' una scelta... di vita!

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