Linuxtrent: Re: Bellissimo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • From: aZaZel <azazel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: linuxtrent@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 14:27:54 +0100

Daniele Nicolodi wrote:

>> Ti ritrovi con il server bloccato senza riuscire a capire il perche.
>> Andrea Gelpi
> Questo si chiama spoofing e da qualche anno tutti i sistemi seri includono
> un qulcosa per non essere soggetti a questo tipo di attacchi.
> Ciao

Mi dispiace ma non si tratta di spoofing, termine che sta a significare 
l'alterazione accurata, spesso di pacchetti ip, per far credere 
all'obiettivo dell'attacco di essere una macchina "fidata".

Dal Jargon dictionary

*spoof*     /vi./      To capture, alter, and retransmit a    
communication stream in a way that misleads the recipient.  As used    
by hackers, refers especially to altering TCP/IP packet source    
addresses or other packet-header data in order to masquerade as a    
trusted machine. This term has become very widespread and is    
borderline techspeak.

Si chiama invece flooding, a cui anche gli attacchi  tipo "denial of 
service" (d.o.s.)  come questo, si rifanno.

Sempre dal Jargon:

*flood*     /v./      /[common]/*1.* To overwhelm a network channel with 
   mechanically-generated traffic; especially used of IP, TCP/IP, UDP, 
   or ICMP denial-of-service attacks.  *2.* To dump large amounts of    
text onto an  IRC <i.html#IRC> channel.  This is especially rude when 
the    text is uninteresting and the other users are trying to carry on 
a    serious conversation.  Also used in a similar sense on Usenet.     
*3.* /[Usenet]/ To post an unusually large number or volume of files on 
   a related topic.

ciao, azazel

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