[linux-cirrus] Re: i2s support in 2.6.13

  • From: "Stefano Lena - DAVE S.r.l" <stefano.lena@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: linux-cirrus@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 16:16:48 +0200

Michael Burian ha scritto:

status.txt says:

+21. I2S Controller
+No support yet.  Klaus is working on it.

I haven't heard about it for quite a while.

Yes I read it. But I hope it was old.

But in the kernel source from git this patch appears as partially

You mean cloning our git tree and checking out "v2.6.13-ep93xx-gao11"
leads to a different source tree than patching linux-2.6.13 with

That should not happen!

In fact it doesn't. I just look at patch and find some i2s code, and I thought it was the whole code for i2s support. i didn't find it in our git-cloned tree .. then I supposed the patch was not applied properly.

If you're convinced that it does, please send me some instructions (shell scripts prefered) to reproduce!

And there is only ac97 support, nothing about i2s.
Are we rigth, or we are missing something?

Yes - there still seem to be some remains of the I2S code -
we should either get it to work properly or remove it

That's the answer.





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