[Linux-Anyway] Re: Was: Athalon & Gentoo -- Now: slack

  • From: "Meph Istopheles" <Meph@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <Linux-Anyway@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003 14:04:50 -0800

> > > If your kernel is built for an i585, gcc will compile for
> > > an i586.

> >   Uh-huh.  Bit of a migraine of your own today?;-)

> Apropos migraine and processor architectures [...]
> damn thing simply wouldn't compile. I didn't make
> it. Consider yourself lucky that you don't have to do
> the same, because that'd teach you the true meaning
> of the word "frustration".

  That reminds me of something I'd done many, many years ago:  I
was given the use of a CP/M box which had countless problems.
While it would boot, it would do nothing more -- other than open
the single app (WordStar 2.0).  The OS allowed one to hack it at
will, so I did (of course, the manuals had all the code for a
factory copy).

  Once I got the damn thing working -- which took lots of coding
& recoding (but C code isn't that difficult to figure out) -- I
started working on WordStar.  I got bored with WordStar's default
control & function key settings, so I changed them all to suit

  When I'd returned the 'puter to it's owner, he was so excited
to have a functioning box again, but was baffled by the changes
I'd made.  I'm sure it's still sitting in his closet.

> >   Are we all holding our breathes?

> Yep. I'd like to know whether you'll love gentoo as much as
> I expect you to.

  I'm debating between that & slack.  The 'puter's got an Athalon
1100, 1.1GHz cpu, 256MB RAM, a "beginning-to-fail" 32MB RAM video
card, & some other extras, so it's not a totally trashed system.
Other than the video card, it's all pretty new & fast.  If it
makes me ~really~ happy, I may swap the video with the better &
newer 64MB card in my old (favourite) PIII 500.

  This all depends on getting some form of Linux to install.  I
really hate hearing a cdrom spin up followed by an error message
that an install can't find the cdrom.  How can it find it, then
claim it doesn't exist?  I also don't like that gentoo allowed me
to install & compile the kernel, install a few apps from the cd,
set up & was able to ping beyond my dns servers (alpha ~&~
numeric), but suddenly wouldn't install any more packages from
the cd because is "could not find blah-blah-blah.org".  Why look
for a newer package when the command entered was pointing to the
cd directory where the app was?

  So, since slack had troubles on my Pentium, & gentoo had
troubles on my Pentium, but each presents pretty nice advantage
over the other, I don't really know yet which I want on my AMD

  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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