[Linux-Anyway] More "Back on X"

  • From: Meph Istopheles <Meph@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Linux-Anyway <Linux-Anyway@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004 13:09:59 -0800 (PST)


> It's my messages that you're not receiving. It seems like 
> you're filtering them out

   Hmm.  As I get some of yours, I'm thinking that it's all the 
forwarding going on.  I know, but my domain host has some wacky 
forwarding system, & I keep reminding him that my mail's still 
going to gmail, then getting forwarded to me, but he insists his 
way of forwarding mail isn't screwey.  But he ~does~ look at his 
configs when I remind him that every mail is still going all over 
the place needlessly.

> (I'm aware that my ISP is listed at least one blocking list, 
> but that shouldn't affect newsgroups messages since they're 
> comming from the ML server). Anyway, I've been wondering about 
> not getting any feedback after posting, which doesn't look like 
> you.

   I find that some things just don't arrive -- either from a 
list, or otherwise.  So, I hassle with checking this list's 
archive & my gmail occasionally -- which is how I found this one.

> If that's helping, I'm BCC'ing you a copy of this message (do 
> you still have the aeon-al<dot>net address?). Here's what I had 
> to say about the xauth and xinit problem:

   If you want to bcc me a copy, use Meph at ZipCon.Com -- my isp 

> <quote> Check your $PATH. xauth and xinit are in 
> /usr/X11R6/bin/ on my system. If you don't have that in your 
> path, I'd do: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/x11R6/bin and try again.

   Turned out all I had to do to figure things out was to go to 
the actual file which opens X -- xinit.  Once I ran that instead 
of startx, it told me that I didn't have permission.  Added the 
path to mine, & voila, I'm in X.

> If you're switching between root and your non-priviledged user 
> (as you probably are), you might have switched to root using 
> "su -", then switched again to, say, "meph" with "su meph". On 
> my system, something like this leaves me with a funny $PATH, 
> that doesn't look like root's or unpriviledged user's:

> www cgi-bin $ echo $PATH
> /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin

   My path's probably all funky since I've had the same .bashrc 
for (I think) three different distros.  But it's working now, 

> So if you're using "su -", use "exit" to switch back, don't su 
> again. </quote>

   The only time I use the - switch is when I really don't want to 
type in a complete path.  Usually, I'll just do su with nothing 
else & type out any paths, like /sbin/whatever.

   Speaking of paths & files, I can't remember the two syntax 
needed in the files to allow me, as user, to do a CTRL+ALT+DEL to 
restart.  I ~thought~ I got the right syntax (& I'm pretty sure I 
got the right file), but while the change I made only allowed root 
to do it that way, it only worked once:-\.

   Emerson's Law of Contrariness:
   Our chief want in life is somebody who shall make us do what we
   can.  Having found them, we shall then hate them for it.
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