[liblouis-liblouisxml] Re: Very preliminary documentation of scripting language

  • From: "Paul Wood (Torch)" <paulw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: liblouis-liblouisxml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 09:55:30 +0100

I wonder if it were possible to give an example of this script for italic or Caps markup that UEB uses i.e. Markup before the first word and when over three words markup after the last word? I hear the US are one step closer to adopting UEB with the recommendation for Literature Braille from NFB, but of course this will still be a few years off! Although I have written a way around this for ourselves it would be good to have something that is integrated into libLouis and thus available to all who wish to use this tool.

A few of us are getting together to update the UEB tables for libLouis. If others would like to join us we would be more than happy to have more help!
Please email me direct.
On 24/07/2012 09:41, Mesar Hameed wrote:
Hi John,

Would it be possible to expand on this documentation.
examples with a small amount of commentary would also be useful.
I am happy to go through and put things in doc/liblouis.texi if I have 
something to go on.

-- Mesar
On Thu 29/03/12,11:37, John J. Boyer wrote:
Below is a very preliminary documentation of the liblouis scripting
language. It is little more than a description and a list of keywords
and symbols. Future revisions of the scripting language will introduce
features that perform functions that cannot be handled by present
liblouis algorithms, such as placing capitalization and emphasis
indicators after the last word of a phrase.

In the process of implementing the scripting language the older
multipass opcodes were also reimplemented. This introduced some bugs.
Hopefully they are all fixed by now.



This scripting language provides advanced functionality for the
multipass opcodes.
The original multipass language can still be used. Translation tables
in which it is used should function as expected. The multipass opcodes

correct, change the input before translation;
context, use the multipass feature during translation;
pass2, perform additional processing after translation;
pass3 pass4, still more processing passes.

To use the scripting loanguage place the word "script" after the opcode,
proceeded and followed by whitespace. A single script statement may be
up to 500 characters in length. If it is too long to fit on a single
line it may be continued on additional lines by placing a backslash (\)
at the end of a line.

A script statement consists of three parts: a declarative part that can
be used to give names to variables; an if part; and a then part.

There are 50 integer variables that can be used to record the results
of one script statement for use in another. They can be given names and
operated on with the plus (+) and minus symbols. They can be compared to
numbers using = != <= and >=

Keywords and Symbols

Below are the keywords and symbols used in the scripting language, with
a brief explanation of each.


John J. Boyer; President, Chief Software Developer
Abilitiessoft, Inc.
Madison, Wisconsin USA
Developing software for people with disabilities

For a description of the software, to download it and links to
project pages go to http://www.abilitiessoft.com
For a description of the software, to download it and links to
project pages go to http://www.abilitiessoft.com

Paulw.torchtrust signature

Paul Wood, Technical Services Leader
*Torch Trust*
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Email: paulw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:paulw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Website: www.torchtrust.org <http://www.torchtrust.org/>


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