[LRflex] The Leica / Fedex Debacle.

  • From: "KEITH LONGMORE" <keith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 18:41:42 -0000

Hello again, everyone!
Interesting idea about the combination of lenses for macro shots - thanks!

Leica / FedEx: Since it's Germany, I expect the debacle will be blamed on
some poor Turk slaving away for peanuts! ;-)  You could argue that FedEx are
just as much to blame as Leica; if there was no proper delivery address,
they should not have accepted the parcel for delivery.  Indeed, I don't know
of any carrier that would not reject such a parcel! (Some other Turk for
them to blame, I suppose! :-)  I have to say that I have found most German
companies pretty good - once the language barrier is overcome.  From working
in EU projects for some years, with Germans, Greeks, an Algerian, Dutch,
Belgians, French, Swiss, Italians and others, I'm always puzzled how easy it
seems to be for all of these non-English speakers to interpret what we Brits
say or write as exactly opposite to our intended meaning.  Maybe it's
something to do with the word order and structure of English.  For this
reason, I'm very reluctant to send anything onto the Continent of Europe for
repair.  I bought my 80-200 Vario from SH-Photo of Nurnberg; when it
arrived, the iris didn't work.  So I e-mailed and told them it was faulty.
I suggested getting it repaired locally, because it would be cheaper for
them than my sending it back to Germany, and their paying postage both ways.
It took about 5 or 6 e-mails before they understood what I was asking!  I
got around the issue ultimately with the help of my poor German and a
dictionary; if I'd continued in English, they wouldn't understand it yet,
I'm sure.  They were ultimately very happy to take up the suggestion, and
paid for the repair without any problem.  (And now the lens is fine) Maybe
there is an element of this type of misunderstanding in David's experiences:
and it's worth remembering that appearing to speak good English doesn't mean
that the words are interpreted by the foreigner as expected.  Perhaps there
is a fluent German speaker in Leica USA?  If so, perhaps David could get him
to talk to Solms about it?  Maybe it would help?

Best of luck, David!

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