[LRflex] R maintenance requirements

  • From: David Simms <simmszee@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 17:00:26 -0700 (PDT)

It seems like a good time to ask this. Jerry Smith, the Canadian Leica tech 
says that M Leicas should be re-lubed and tuned up every 10 years or so. Some 
of you R users have been using the Leica Rs for a long time. What's your take 
on maintenance?
By the way, i have a 1974 Leica M4 Midland which I use pretty sparingly. It has 
never been rebuilt or lubed and works perfectly. So, i don't know whether the 
maintenance "schedule" is excessively conservative or not. Personally, I 
wouldn't have them touched until something goes wrong or until I head off on a 
trip where I can't tolerate any failure.

Dave, Clearwater, BC

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