[LRflex] Re: Hummers and Navajos

  • From: David Young <telyt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2007 07:26:39 -0700

Hi Keith!

You said, of my first "hummer" photo:

>The only thing in focus was the flower.....

Here I beg to differ... in the small size .jpg, it may appear that 
way, but in the larger, full sized image, the eye of the hummer is 
tack as a sharp.  That's what got me excited about that shot in the 
first place.  Hummers move so fast that with a  manual focus lens, it 
is almost impossible to get them focused and fire before they move!

>  And I've never seen a hummingbird with a blue beak...

Now that's a good point, which nobody caught .. or, at least, nobody 
else mentioned!

I did the first one as a "quick and dirty", for I was quite taken 
with it.... not yet having seen the others.  So I hit "Auto Levels" 
in PS7 (that's where the blue bill came from and I didn't notice it!) 
and away I went!

I then spent a lot more time with the second shot, getting it right; 
posting it some hours later.

The first one has now been removed from the net. I will rework it, 
and if worthy, will repost it later today.

Good luck with the Pentax and Robot!


David Young,
Logan Lake, CANADA

Wildlife Photographs: http://www.telyt.com/
Personal Web-pages: http://www3.telus.net/~telyt
Stock Photography at: http://tinyurl.com/2amll4

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