[LRflex] Re: DMR Repair. (for Peter Stevens)

  • From: Doug Herr <wildlightphoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2015 09:11:54 -0700 (GMT-07:00)

If Leica in Germany can't repair it, nobody can.

Doug Herr
Birdman of Sacramento

-----Original Message-----

From: Philippe <philippe.amard@xxxxxx>
Sent: Jul 10, 2015 7:06 AM
To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Doug Herr <wildlightphoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [LRflex] DMR Repair. (for Peter Stevens)

Paul might want to contact Doug who was recently still using his (two?). And
must know where to get the job done.


CC to Doug

Le 10 juil. 2015 à 15:50, David Young <dsy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

Good Morning, Peter!

I don't want to discourage you, but DMR problems are a real problem!

Leica could not repair my DMR back in late 2006! Lack of parts, they said.
But, also, lack of expertise.

The problem comes from the fact that Leica was busy going broke, at that
time, and had neither the skill nor the money to develop a digital back. So
they turned to Imacon (Denmark), a builder of fine scanners. Unknown to
Leica, at the time, was the fact that Imacon was also busy going broke! In
2004, Imacon was absorbed into Hasselblad, who viewed Leica as a competitor,
rather than as a customer. Imacon did eventually delivered the DMR (late)
but provided very few (if any) spare parts and, to my knowledge, never did
provide the repair manuals.

In my particular case, Leica did their best to cobble a working DMR together
out of parts from other failed DMRs. Over a period of 6 months, sent me two.
Neither worked for more than 48 hours. Eventually, they simply bought it
back from me, at full retail. This is not their normal policy, but the unit
was still under warranty and it had been destroyed by a flood while in
their factory for a simple light-meter repair - so they had little choice.

The full story of the flood is still unknown to me, but the camera
(w/80~200/f4 Vario and DMR attached) was on the floor, in Ralph Hagenauer's
office when it happened. I will never forget the look on Ralph's face, when
he came in to the M8 Schule the next morning and had to give me the news!

I suggest that before you send it anywhere, phone first and ask if they're
even willing to look at it and if they are, ask what the chances of success
are, and what the cost of the estimate might be.

Good luck with it! (I sill miss mine!)


PS: If US sources prove unhelpful, try Kindermann (Toronto). Gerry Smith
(now retired) is a wizard with Leica, but the staff he trained are very,
very good. Slow & expensive, but they may be able to help. Ask.

Good morning, folks. Does anyone here on the list have a suggestion for a
repair technician in North America who has experience with working on Leica
DMR digital backs? I just got word from Leica Repair in Germany that the
unit that I sent in was not repairable due to lack of spare parts; but they
declined to identify what was wrong with the unit or what parts were no
longer available in Germany. Before I give up on the unit I thought that
I'd explore the options on this side of the Atlantic with private techs.
Any assistance that y'all have would be gratefully accepted. Thank you.

Best regards,
Peter Stevens

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