[LRflex] Another story without a photo... reflections on Christmas.

  • From: David Young <dsy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: LRflex <leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2012 09:32:32 -0800

Fellow Flexers...

This holiday season, I was reminded of an old story.

In  1966, at the tender age of 19,  I worked as the manager of the photo
department, in a department store, in Whitehorse, Yukon.

I had a very good customer ... a chap of East Indian extraction, by the name of
Raghu Nathaniel Raghunathan.  And, yes, he went by all three names.  He was a
fine young fellow, both handsome and very likeable.

In November of that year, he came to me asked to purchase a Polaroid camera,
and some 100+ rolls of instant colour film.  The total cost was about  $400,
and he put it on his charge account. (That $400 was more than a months wages
for me, at the time, and is roughly equivalent to $2,840, in 2012 dollars.)

He then went to India.

When he had not returned by early January, my boss came to me, expressing
concerns that he might be gone for good and would they ever be paid?  Without
any idea of Raghu's plans,  I blithely assured him that all would be well and
to be patient.

Eventually, at the end of February; Raghu did, indeed, return. He promptly 
paid the bill and told me that he'd come home without a single photograph to
show for his trip!

He said that the people in his home village were very poor and almost nobody
could afford to have a picture of themselves.  Simply, financially out of

So he took photographs of everyone he knew, and their families, and gave the
shots away!

He said it was the best Christmas he'd ever had!

I think there might be a lesson in there, for us all.

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