Fwd: SQL Saturday #14 Pensacola!

  • From: dgreene@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: lanug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 13:07:40 -0600

Look below fro information on SQL Saturday. SQL Saturday is a code camp for
SQL Server.
Thank you,
Ryan Duclos

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <karla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 10:33 AM
Subject: SQL Saturday #14 Pensacola!

Good Morning Pensacola SQL,

IT'S OFFICIAL!  We are set to host a SQL Saturday here in Pensacola.
(Many thanks to Jamie in helping get PJC lined up for us!).  Attached is a
flyer with all the details.  Please be sure to get out to
www.sqlsaturday.com and register right away.  And please forward this
flyer to others that you think may be interested, post the flyer in your
offices, if you have a place for that, just anywhere you can think of for
that matter...spread the word!

Also, the call for speakers link on the website is available now.  We plan
to run probably 30 sessions, and one or two rooms/tracks will be dedicated
to .NET and other misc. type presentations on that day, then the remainder
will be all SQL topics.  So, encourage any local speakers you know to sign
up, they will get preference over all.  We want to "grow our own" speaker
pool here in the Panhandle, and bring more exposure to our area and local

Also, please forward to anyone you think might be interested in
sponsoring.  There are several sponsorship levels that I just posted up on
the www.sqlsaturday.com website for them to choose from.  I also have a
list of what they will get in return for their sponsorship, although I
don't see a way yet to post this up on that site, working on that, but if
you have someone interested and want to know, they can contact me directly
via this email.

Thank you all for your continued support, we couldn't have made it this
far without you!

See you on the 29th for our January meeting.


Other related posts:

  • » Fwd: SQL Saturday #14 Pensacola! - dgreene