Fwd: Meeting Reminder, this Wednesday night

  • From: dgreene@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: lanug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 20:45:02 -0500

If anyone is interested! Check the LANUG website for our next meeting
on 11/18/2008.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: karla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 18:22:58 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Meeting Reminder, this Wednesday night

Good Evening Pensacola SQL Members,

Just reminding everyone that this Wednesday is our next meeting.  This
will be our last Wednesday one, as I want to get back to Thursday evening
meetings since so many folks have services on Wednesday nights.

Also, Seville has asked that I try to get head counts to them, so they
know how much food to plan for these meetings.  So if you could RSVP to me
if you will be attending this weeks meeting, that would be great.

Thanks!  Also...mark your calendars for December 4th, that will be our
final meeting of the year, but will also be our big holiday bash...we have
some very exciting plans for that night!

See you Wednesday!

Meeting this week...

Topic:  Improving Organizational Effectiveness with Microsoft SharePoint
Date:  Wednesday, October 29, 2008, begins at 6:30.
Speaker:  Matthew Panzano
Location:  Heritage Hall at Seville Quarter

Microsoft SharePoint has been the fastest growing product in Microsoft
history. By making it easier to manage content and streamline processes,
Microsoft SharePoint 2007 helps organizations derive more value from their
information assets, and accelerates everyday business activities.
SharePoint 2007 enables users to easily assemble and analyze critical
business information from disparate systems, leading to better-informed
decisions at all levels of the organization. It enables people to
effectively connect with the information and resources they need, both
within and across organizations. Enhanced interoperability support
facilitates integration with non-Microsoft IT investments, while the tight
integration into familiar desktop applications and browsers accelerates
end user adoption.

Whether you are a current SharePoint customer or not you should learn
about the next generation of SharePoint and the ways it can improve your

Matt has been in the information systems field for 20 years. He has worked
at companies such as Prudential and was the Director of Information
Systems for the largest non-for-profit vocational rehabilitation center in
New Jersey. Matt was one of the first 500 people in the world to become
Windows NT certified. He worked for Tech Data as the lead in their
Microsoft tech support department for 5 years before joining Microsoft in
1996 where he worked for 9 years. Matt has been working with Microsoft
SharePoint since its inception and was on the internal Microsoft
SharePoint advisory council while he worked at Microsoft.  Currently Matt
is with Tribridge out of Tampa, Florida.  Tribridge is the 2008 WORLDWIDE
Microsoft Dynamics Partner of the Year

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