[klaatumail] Re: Hope vs. Alterna-Hope

  • From: Wesle Dymoke <wesdym@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: klaatumail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2010 23:59:42 -0800 (PST)

Thanks! I've been wanting to hear it together since first hearing the intro on 
Sun Set.

From: Whyrmie <whyrmie@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: klaatumail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Sun, November 14, 2010 10:42:23 PM
Subject: [klaatumail] Hope vs. Alterna-Hope

My dear Klaatusians,

Back in June, I put together a "sync-up / comparison" of the song "Hope" 
from the Hope album and from the Sun Set. I've converted it to video format 
so it could go on YouTube and you all can check it out if you'd like.

It's at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZQd2hYuGZg

(there's no video component, just audio)

I asked Dave Bradley to take a listen, saying that to me, it sounds like the 
main vocal from John is the same on both versions except for at the 3 
minutes and 49 second mark, where only the word "IF" is doesn't match up.
And here's what Dave had to say...

>>Hi Scott,

I'd say you're hearing one of a number of possibilities:

1: The vocal was MOSTLY used, but for that section there was a punch in to 
change the timing and that last part was re-sung.
2: An incredible job duplicating the vocal between two separate (or more) 
takes.  If you listen to your sync'ing work, there are places where the 
phasing suddenly goes all all bonkers for like 1/4 of a second where the 
identical vocal crosses itself and there's some cancellation. That wouldn't 
normally happen with a repeat performance, but would normally be a result of 
the same take getting slightly out of sync with itself.
3: John Woloschuk is really Maurice Gibb, able to double track so perfectly 
that the effect is lost because his pitch and phrasing is so incredibly 
exact that he never phase cancels and never reaps the benefits of the 
doubled vocal because it's just too exact and sounds like it's just the 
single voice higher.

I'd lean towards #1 above.  The vocal was sung, the mix was done, when 
re-editing and re-mixing and re-overdubbing, they decided to change the 
phrasing of that line and had John sing a new vocal from just before that 
point onwards.

Pretty cool!

Dave <<

So check it out. It IS pretty cool.

.  .  ... Scott Teague  .   . ¶|;-D 

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