[keiths-list] ACUA deploys energy storage system at wastewater treatment plant

  • From: Darryl McMahon <darryl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: keiths-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2018 10:01:00 -0400


[A baby step toward micro-grids, but the energy-storage operator has found a way to generate revenue from peak-shaving so that they can actually pay for the implementation, including wind power, photovoltaics and battery-based on-site storage. Also provides an optimization system and charging stations for electric vehicles. Resilience in the face of climate change as a key driver.]

ACUA deploys energy storage battery at Atlantic treatment plant

April 19, 2018

New Jersey’s Atlantic County Utility Authority (ACUA) selected demand-side management solutions firm Viridity Energy Solutions for the development and operation of an energy storage system.

Viridity partnered with engineering and construction services company Rettew to install energy storage batteries developed by Johnson Controls.

The energy storage battery system was installed at ACUA’s wastewater treatment plant in Atlantic City.

Viridity is also providing its VPower energy management and optimisation software for real time operation of the energy storage plant.

The battery storage system was integrated with an onsite 7.5MW wind farm, 500KW solar PV generator and electric vehicle charging stations.

Viridity will operate and manage the integrated system for ACUA over a period of 20 years. The solution provider will receive a portion of the utility bill savings created through peak shaving over the term of the agreement. The integrated system is participating in the PJM regional energy market

ACUA is implementing the project to reduce its energy costs at the wastewater treatment plant, as well as reduce their carbon footprint.

The system began operations in the first quarter of 2018, according to a statement.

Atlantic County Utilities Authority President Rick Dovey, said: “Battery storage technology is the critical component to developing a smart grid and it has the potential to completely revolutionise power generation.

“Superstorm Sandy was an eye-opener for ACUA in that it became apparent that we needed to become resilient in the face of future storm events and have the ability to operate and not lose power. Renewable energy, for all of the positives, has one limitation – that power is intermittent; wind and solar are not always producing power when you need it. You must either use it or lose it.

"Through a grant from the NJBPU, we have partnered with Viridity to bring a battery storage project to ACUA. Not only will this battery allow us to store electricity generated from wind and solar, but it will also play an important role in balancing supply and demand of the electric grid.”

Mack Treece, CEO of Viridity. “Working together with ACUA, we are utilising Viridity’s BSAAS solution to reduce their energy costs and to generate revenue from the PJM energy market, all of this at no cost to ACUA. Viridity’s BSAAS is a unique solution that provides customers with all of the benefits of battery storage, including reducing peak usage to lower energy costs, provide power back-up and power quality, while also assisting the utility grid in maintaining the performance of the grid.”

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  • » [keiths-list] ACUA deploys energy storage system at wastewater treatment plant - Darryl McMahon