[JA] Re: unusual spam

  • From: mmmcrae@xxxxxxxx
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 20:53:02 -0500

Joann Lee <dnehoc@xxxxxxxx>wrote
I think I got a most unusual type of spam today: it's a note from Mike to
John, thanking him for lunch. My inclination, as a polite person, was to
return it to Mike saying John hadn't gotten it and that he might want to
re-send. Then I thought (no paranoid, I!) maybe this was a spam looking
for a polite person to confirm an address. Anybody have any ideas?>>>

I have gotten several spams in that form - a note from somebody
instructing the cat-sitter where the cat food was kept and how much to
dole out, etc.  And similar notes about barn sitters (can you tell I'm on
a lot of animal lists <G>).  Now the first impulse is to send back and
let the person know it was sent to the wrong addy so that the cats or the
animals get fed, of course.  NOT !!  I have always been suspicious of
these cutsie notes and dump them immediately.

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  • » [JA] Re: unusual spam