[JA] computer puzzle

  • From: barbel e goertz <goertzb@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 13:37:06 -0700

Something puzzling is happening to my desktop display.
Ever since I tried to delete a bunch of ads that Juno had
accumulated, the icons on my screen are moving around,
trying to get away from the approaching arrow. 
Remedy?  I reinstalled Juno but that did not change this
phenomenon. What else could be the culprit? 
I can access Juno and Netzero via the start program
but what can I do to put the icons back into place and
make them behave normal - stationary?
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Baerbel Goertz, Colorado Springs, CO
fax number 1- 413-410-1249
Once a patriot, now an ex-patriate
    Have a nice day !
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