[JA] Yup, we're moved!

  • From: Carolyn Stoffel <carolynstoffel@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 23:52:46 EDT

Brian -

>I know I said 6pm, but my job called me saying they were shorthanded
>due to having to fire someone, and would I please come in to cover.
>They >begged. They whimpered. I went. Ugh.


But did they say "overtime pay"? <g>

>To hear a duck quack (really!):
>       Call 1-800-888-3999, and select option 7


Rotary phone. <g>

>Oh good, the pizza's here! [What? You forgot the anchovies?!? Oh well,
>I'll take it anyway] <G>


<looking for sausage and mushroom>

By the way, I read and skimmed the listar "welcome" message which says
archives are at egroups. Um... Will they keep them there? Will they
disappear? Can you transfer the important messages to listar?

Carolyn Stoffel
Rakena Basenjis - Puppup and Cotton
The Canine Contingent; The Puppuppies - Pendant, Insula, Mosey
Phoenix, Arizona
carolynstoffel@xxxxxxxx (No Internet access)

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